Monday, August 10, 2009

again, sorry peeps
i know my blog lack of updates
well, let's see
i'll start off with my uni life first
every week there'll at least be one assignment for me to do
yes, i know i am a sad kid
damn depressed
i'm getting suffocated with tutorial exercises, presentations, assignments, assessments blah blah blah
who said taking A-levels would make uni life a lot easier?
don't think so
and talking about A-levels
my A-levels result came out today
half expected, half surprised
at least i did not fail any subjects
and guess what?
okay, yvonne, stop it
oh yes, one student in my uni is certified as a carrier of H1N1
so this morning all of us had temperature checks before entering the campus
okaaay, enough talk about uni, moving on to the bf and I, a much happier topic
we're planning our honeymoon trip that will be either on the 21,22, and 23 August 2009 or 28,29, and 30 August 2009!!!
destination? melaka!
seriously can't wait
*grins stupidly*
another thing, just heard from bf's mom that his 3rd brother is taking up pharmacy studies in the future
i'm really surprised
now i think that his family have all sorts of talents
eldest brother doing business studies, the bf in design, and now the 3rd in pharmacy?
i wonder what will his youngest brother be in the future
anyway, gotta take a mental note to get course brochures for his mom tomorrow
ugh, tomorrow... classes from 8:30am to 5:00pm
so i need to turn in now
honey dreams, people

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